You're not alone

MOKKAH, was a dream I had when I was studying at sixth form. At 17 years old I thought about how amazing it would be to have a walk-in wardrobe with more shoes than I could count and to be able to give other females the chance to have that too, or at least the option to.

Now, I don't know if your religious or spiritual but honestly, there isn’t a greater feeling than knowing and believing that no mistakes were made when we were created. I spent so many years, too many years, worried about what other people thought - scared to go shoe shopping, scared to go bowling or ice skating; just because of how other people may (or may not) react. Why do we give people so much power? Why do we give people so much control over our emotions?

As people, we can go through things that not only feel isolating but that bring us down so much that we hide or shut people out. In my case through all my hiding I found that it only internally magnified the 'problem.' Ironic, right? Yes, I am talking about my shoe size.

In May 2020, I crowdfunded to raise money to kickstart MOKKAH. That crowdfund video changed my life. I spoke briefly of some of the raw emotions and experiences I had growing up, things no one ever knew and, in that video, I told the world my shoe size.

The most beautiful thing was that I got to not only educate a lot of people of the need for shoes in larger sizes, but that I got to truly connect with women who understood. We shared stories – most of which were similar to each others and realised that although we were alone in our experiences, we were somehow connected. This feeling has made me shout even louder because we are beautiful and it’s about time we embrace all that makes us, us.

For the women who are not quite ready, that’s okay because in your own time you will be but until then, join the movement we are creating because we love and support you.

Sherene xxx

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